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Does Pet Insurance Cover Pre-Existing Conditions? Here's What You Need to Know!

When you're buying pet insurance, it's crucial to understand what is and isn't covered. So, let's talk about pre-existing conditions and how they impact pet insurance.

Pet Insurance

What Are Pre-Existing Conditions? 

Most pet insurance companies define "pre-existing conditions" as any illness or injury that first appeared or was diagnosed before you purchased pet insurance or during the waiting period. This could be anything from a chronic limp that a dog has had since birth to a cough that showed up just days before you bought your policy.


How Do Pet Insurance Companies Handle Pre-Existing Conditions? 

We looked into some common pet insurance companies to see how they define and handle pre-existing conditions. Here's a quick summary.

  1. "Like all pet insurance companies, we can't cover illnesses that first appeared or showed symptoms before the policy's start date or during the waiting period."

  2. "No pet insurance company covers pre-existing conditions, though each company defines them differently. If your pet has been symptom-free for 180 days, we no longer consider it a pre-existing condition."

  3. "Pre-existing conditions won't prevent you from getting insurance, but they won't be covered. If a condition is curable, it might be covered after 12 months without symptoms. If it's incurable, it won't be covered."

  4. "Pre-existing conditions refer to any illness or symptoms present before your policy's effective date. No insurance company covers these."

  5. "Pre-existing conditions usually mean any illness or injury your pet had before you got insurance. The good news? If a vet confirms that a condition has been cured for at least six months, you might be able to get it covered."

  6. "Pre-existing conditions, according to the company, are those that first appeared or showed symptoms before or during the waiting period. No pet insurance company covers these."


Questions to Ask Your Insurance Company 

If you suspect your pet has any pre-existing conditions, make sure to talk to your intended insurance company before buying a policy. For most companies, if a condition is curable, it might be covered. But if your pet has a chronic condition like diabetes, it's unlikely to be covered. However, if your diabetic dog is hit by a car, that would be covered under the policy.

Can Pets with Pre-Existing Conditions Get Insurance? 

Many pet owners wonder if their pets with pre-existing conditions can get insured. The answer is yes, but there may be limitations. Some companies have age restrictions, while others offer insurance for older pets. Even if your pet has a pre-existing condition, it doesn't mean they can't get insurance. However, certain conditions or related issues won't be covered.

Given all this, the best time to get insurance for your pet is when they're young and healthy. That way, you won't have to worry about pre-existing conditions excluding you from coverage.


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