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Have you ever done something really bad to your pet?

"Have you ever done something really bad to your pet?"

I have. And not just once! Let me share some of the hilarious things my friends and I have done to our pets, along with some funny stories and photos.

  1. My little bird loves sunflower seeds, so I crack one open, and then take it from her to eat myself.


    Bird loves sunflower seeds

  2. I secretly took a photo of my cat trying to weigh herself on the scale and posted it online.

    My cat tried to weigh herself

  3. Right after my dog had puppies, my grandpa bought a whole crate of milk and a box of dog sausages for her. I got caught stealing some sausages for myself.

     Got caught by my dog

  4. When I was a kid, I had a tabby cat who was great at catching fish. But every fish she caught, I would cook for myself, leaving her just the bones.

  5. One morning, I skipped breakfast. While cooking chicken breast for my cat, it smelled so good that I added some olive oil and spices, then ate it all myself.

  6. I tried using dish soap to give my dog a bath. Uh, let's just say it didn’t rinse off very well.

     never wash your dog with dish soap

  7. While writing a depressing paper, I started grooming my cat to relieve stress. I kept brushing and brushing until I brushed off a whole patch of fur. After that, every time she saw me with a brush, she'd run for her life.

  8. My dog was sleeping in his doghouse, which had a curtain over the entrance. I wanted to pet him at night, but I didn't turn on the light. I reached in, and my finger went straight up his nose. Not a great wake-up call!

    my poor little dog


  9. I couldn't sleep, so I laid on the floor next to my dog. I finally fell asleep, but then had a dream where someone hit me. I swung a punch in my dream, and it landed on my dog's face. He yelped and hid under the bed, refusing to come out.

  10. I placed the entrance of the cat’s litter box facing the wall, so when my cat tried to use it, he couldn't find the opening and ended up peeing in a plastic bag instead. I didn't know, so I scolded him. Later, when I was cleaning up, I realized the poor guy couldn't even get in. I felt so bad that I gave him a treat.

  11. I found a racing pigeon that had been shot by a gun. After taking it to the vet and saving its life, I planned to keep it until it healed, then release it. My bad—I didn't research how to take care of pigeons. I just fed it corn every day, and it got so fat it couldn't fly anymore.

     overweight pigeon

  12. My rabbit was eating some grass, so I kept pulling it out as he was eating. He'd take a bite, and I'd pull. Take another bite, I'd pull again. Eventually, I got bit.

Pets... gotta love them, even if they don't always love us back!


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