So, you've got this adorable little furball who's stolen your heart and become part of the family. You love them to bits, but remember: taking care of them is a big responsibility.
To keep them in tip-top shape, you should keep detailed medical records to remind you when it's time for vaccinations, fecal samples, and any special seasonal activities like grooming sessions.
As your kitty grows older, parasites become a common concern. Ticks, fleas, heartworms, and intestinal worms are the main troublemakers. However, with some control plans and medical assistance, your little feline can be spared from these pests. Your vet has medications to prevent these parasites from infecting your kitty and to eliminate any existing ones.
To keep them healthy and happy, here are a few things you should do.
Tick Control
Several topical and oral medications are available to prevent and treat tick infestations. If you find a tick, carefully remove it with tweezers or a tick removal tool.
Flea Control
Preventing fleas is much easier than dealing with an existing infestation. Topical and oral medications are highly effective and safe for your kitty. Some monthly products now make flea treatment much easier. If fleas spread, both your pet and your entire environment—home and yard—must be treated rigorously.
Heartworm Prevention
Although more common in dogs, heartworm is a potentially deadly parasite for cats too. Monthly oral preventatives are strongly recommended for kittens at risk, depending on location and lifestyle. These medications typically start around 4-6 months of age. Since mosquitoes spread heartworm, the risk of infection increases during warm months.
Intestinal Parasites
Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms are common intestinal parasites. Most vets recommend deworming all kittens since many are born with roundworms. After initial deworming, additional deworming may be needed. As your kitty grows into adulthood, have their fecal samples evaluated annually. Early treatment can reduce the chances of severe illness. Monthly medications can help prevent the development of these parasites. Also, even if your cat is receiving preventative parasite treatment, I still recommend an annual fecal evaluation.
In addition to controlling parasites, preventing infectious diseases is also advised. Several vaccines can help reduce your kitty's risk of disease, such as feline upper respiratory infections, enteric viruses, feline leukemia, and rabies. Kitten vaccines typically begin at 6-8 weeks of age, with injections every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks. Kittens at higher risk include those that roam outdoors frequently and those living in multi-cat households. Additionally, the rabies vaccine is usually given at 3-4 months old and then boosted annually.
Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining your kitty's health, especially for kittens. Kittens need proper calorie intake to avoid nutritional diseases or developmental issues. When feeding kittens, provide them with nutrient-rich food.
Start grooming your kitty's fur as soon as possible. It helps them get used to brushing and bathing. Some long-haired cats may benefit from grooming. Make sure to remove mats and tangles as their fur develops. Long-haired kittens should be brushed daily. Additionally, weekly grooming for short-haired kittens is beneficial.
Outdoor Adventures
While keeping your kitty indoors all the time is safest, some people allow their cats supervised outdoor time. If you want your kitty to venture outside, be sure to supervise them. They'll need help learning how to find their way home and how to stay safe. Motor vehicle trauma, exposure to infectious diseases, and animal attacks are the main risks of outdoor activities. You can use a harness and leash to take your cat outdoors or build a secure outdoor enclosure to allow your kitty to safely enjoy nature.
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